My thinking has evolved to see channels such as Youtube as valid mediums of transfering ideas as books. I do think the written word has things that are going for it which are very unique and irreplacable, such as the attention to detail, crafting each sentence carefully and building large architectures of thought and logic. However, it is always about people (or users, readers, listeneres, audience whatever you want to call it) first. And these days, people consume a lot of their media through video.

Long story short, I still do write, and will definitely continue to do so, but now, my mix of content has a health dose of video in it.

This youtube channel hosts content in the Turkish language, mostly because I’ve spent 25 years in İstanbul and am a part of the community. I channel my “English content energy” through Startups of London where I cover London based startups and through my English articles published in my page or Linkedin Profile.