Creative Hiring / Yetenek Kaşifi

  • Creative hiring top seller

Creative Hiring: The Pinnacle Model for Spontaneous, Imaginative, Collaborative Interviews has originally been written and published in English. It was later translated to Turkish by popular demand with the title “Yetenek Kaşifi: Doğru İnsanı İşe Al”.

Both books have sold well. They are significant in the sense that they do not speak to the candidates but to recruiters. Whereas almost all of the content (books and else) about recruitment – and interviews in specific – aim to be guides to help interviewees better themselves, these books aim to better the practices of the recruiters by raise awareness of the psychology of the candidates and giving them the tools to conduct better interviews.

You can get the English Version here from Amazon.

You can get the Turkish version here from D&R online bookstore.

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